Congratulations to our graduating CAP students! 🎓🎉 We are thrilled to celebrate your academic achievements and share this important milestone with you and your friends and family. Surrounded by loved ones, our students gathered in Lewellyn Hall to proudly receive their ANU Testamur and official recognition of completion for their programs. The College would like to congratulate all of our wonderful graduates. A special mention to our University Medal award winners, Tracy Beattie (Master of Asian and Pacific Studies) and Samantha Nethery (Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) - Humanities and Social Sciences) for their exceptional achievement and academic success. We are excited to see what our graduates do next, and hope that your education has equipped you to thrive in our dynamic and evolving Asia-Pacific region. We believe that the knowledge and skills you have developed here at the College will play a crucial role in fulfilling your aspirations. Your passion, determination and hard work have paid off. We tip our hat to you! 🎓🌟 The Australian National University School Of Culture, History & Language ANU Alumni #ouranu #anucap #anuasiapacific #university #graduation