Examination conduct

Students are encouraged to seek support whenever needed. 
Please visit the Health, Safety & Wellbeing webpage for available support services. 

Examinations are conducted in accordance with the Assessment Rule. The information below outlines what to expect during an examination, whether it be online or in-person. 

Candidates are reminded that the University requires all coursework students to remain available for the duration of the official examination period. 

- Pre-examination


Where assessments are undertaken online there may be exceptional circumstances where candidates require access to ANU campus and its resources. 

The key groups are:

  • Group 1: Candidates registered with Accessibility whose Education Access Plan outlines the need to access software/hardware to facilitate their Special (Alternative) Examination Arrangements (SEAs). Where candidates do not have personal access to the required resources, the University can assist. 
  • Group 2: Candidates who do not have access to an appropriate space/home environment, but can bring their own device to campus.  
  • Group 3: Candidates who have an examination which will use Proctorio and who do not have access to a computer with a webcam.  
  • Group 4: Candidates who have an examination which will use Proctorio, and are not comfortable using Proctorio on their personal device.  


  • Group 1:  Applications are assessed by Accessibility; candidates will need to demonstrate why they cannot sit their examinations on their personal device.  If approved, candidates are permitted to sit their examination on campus with their own hardware/software or University supplied hardware/software. Students may apply by email to access.inclusion@anu.edu.au; please outline the issue you are attempting to resolve by accessing University resources, your student ID number and the examination/s concerned.
  • Groups 2-4: Candidates will need to demonstrate why they cannot sit their examination/s on their personal device. If approved, candidates are permitted to sit their examination on campus with their own hardware/software or University supplied hardware/software. Students may apply by email to examinations.officer@anu.edu.au; please outline the issue you are attempting to resolve by accessing University resources, your student ID number and the examination/s concerned.

**Please note, this process facilitates access to appropriate resources and environments; it is generally not an invigilated experience.

In Person

Not applicable


- Commencement of the examination  


  • It is the responsibility of the candidate to provide an appropriate environment for the examination, mindful of restrictions in place for the examination [e.g. restricted online environments, limited permitted materials]. Please see further information below on seating arrangements and examination environments. 
  • The ANU is an institution located within Australia; all examinations are set at Australian Eastern Standard Time [AEST] or Australian Eastern Daylight Time [AEDT]. All candidates that are sitting examinations remotely, outside of the relevant time zone, are expected to align with AEST/AEDT assessment timing. If this presents an insurmountable issue for the candidate, they must explain their circumstances through an Extenuating Circumstances Application - or in severe cases - seek a different timing for the assessment item via the Deferred Examination protocol.  
  • Candidates may be required to authenticate into University systems. Students should ensure they have a current ANU password before the start of a scheduled examination. 
  • Candidates may be asked to perform further identification practices such as presenting an ANU student ID card to a remote University Officer via device camera, and/or, registering their identification via an online protocol.  
  • A current Australian passport, a current international passport, or a current Australian driver's licence will also be accepted in lieu of an ANU student ID card.  
  • Candidates may also be required to agree to, and submit, a declaration confirming identity and the conditions of the examination. 
  • In cases where a candidate's identity is not satisfactorily established, results may be withheld until a further verification process has been performed.

In person 

  • Candidates will be asked to display their ANU student ID card prior to admission to the examination room. A current Australian passport, a current international passport, or a current Australian driver's licence will also be accepted in lieu of an ANU student ID card. 
  • Candidates will be admitted to the examination room in sufficient time to make full use of the study period (reading time) permitted for that examination. The study period immediately precedes the commencement of the examination. 
  • Candidates may enter the examination room up to 30 minutes after the commencement of writing time. Candidates who arrive late will not be allowed additional time. 
  • In cases where a student's identity is not satisfactorily established, results may be withheld until a further verification process has been performed. 

- Food and drink 


  • Food and drink are allowable in online examination environments, however food must be removed from all packaging prior to the commencement of the examination, and the only liquid permissible is water within a clear bottle.  
  • Candidates are not permitted to leave their desk to access food/drink; it must be within reach at the commencement of the examination and, where applicable, viewable by the device camera at the commencement of the examination. 

In person 

  • Food and drink are strictly prohibited from examination venues. Only water within a clear bottle is permitted. 

- Seating arrangements and examination environments 


  • It is the responsibility of the candidate to provide an appropriate environment for the examination, mindful of restrictions in place for the examination [e.g. restricted online environments, limited permitted materials].  
  • Candidates must be alone in a well-lit room, with other distractions mitigated [children, animals, house-mates etc].   
  • It is the responsibility of the candidate to advise others in their extended environment that an examination is in progress, that they must not be interrupted, that they cannot provide information related to the examination to them, nor permit other interruptions such as the provision of food or drink. 
  • If candidates do not have access to an appropriate environment, and they are able to come to campus, they can contact the Examinations Office or Accessibility a minimum of 5 working days before the scheduled examination to access on-campus facilities. Criteria must be met to access this service. 

In person 

  • Centrally administered examinations generally have allocated seating. The Examinations Office will advise you [via your student email account] the venue and seat in which you must undertake your examination. If you present to the incorrect venue, you will not be afforded entry. 

- Study period (reading time) 


  • Examinations may allow a study period (reading time) at the beginning of the examination. This may include limitations on accessing materials and limiting tasks candidates can perform during this period. 

In person 

  • Examinations will typically allow a study period (reading time) at the beginning of the examination. 
  • Candidates must not write in script books during the study period, but may make notes on the examination paper if it does not contain provision for answers. If the paper does contain provision for answers, then scribble paper will be provided. Candidates may refer to permitted materials during the study period. 


- Prohibited electronic devices 


  • Candidates are permitted a SINGLE electronic device to undertake an examination [e.g. PC, Mac or laptop]. 
  • Beyond this, prohibited electronic devices [inclusive of direct access, line-of-sight or mirroring] in examinations include, but are not limited to: mobile phones, watches [analogue, digital, smart], electronic notebooks, organisers, electronic dictionaries, certain types of calculators [if excluded], smart glasses. 
  • Headphones are NOT permitted unless they are explicitly stated in the permitted materials for the examination. 
  • Exceptions to the above arrangements only exist if explicitly stated in the permitted materials for the examination.  

In person 

Prohibited electronic devices in examinations include, but are not limited to: 

  • mobile phones 
  • watches (analogue, digital, smartwatch etc.) 
  • electronic notebooks 
  • organisers 
  • electronic dictionaries 
  • certain types of calculators (if excluded) 
  • laptop computers 
  • Smart glasses 
  • Headphones 

- Permitted materials in examinations 


  • Notes, papers, manuscripts, books, notebooks etc. are not allowed into the examination environment [both physical and virtual], or within access of the candidate, unless their use during the examination has been specifically permitted by the examiner.  
  • All permitted materials are listed in the information about the specific examination. If, during the examination, any candidate is found in possession of any unauthorised material or electronic device, that candidate shall be reported and action may be taken under the Discipline Rule or Academic Integrity Rule. It is the candidate's responsibility to ensure prohibited items are not taken into the examination room or accessible from the room. 
  • Candidates whose first language is not English may, with the written approval of the ANU College/School/Department/Centre responsible for the course, use dictionaries during the examination. If you wish to use a dictionary and it is not listed on the 'permitted material list' for your examination, please speak with the ANU College/School/Department/Centre administration offering the course. 
  • No electronic dictionaries are allowed. 
  • If the permitted material is listed as 'Dictionary - Any' then any dictionary (except electronic dictionaries) is permitted for that examination. 
  • Dictionaries must not be annotated in any way [the candidate's name in/on the front is permissible]. 

In person 

  • All electronic devices, including (but not limited to) mobile phones and electronic dictionaries, are not permitted in examination rooms. Such items are prohibited even if the examination is 'Open Book' or 'No Restrictions'. 
  • Candidates whose first language is not English may, with the written approval of the ANU College/School/Department/Centre responsible for the course, use dictionaries during the examination. If you wish to use a dictionary and it is not listed on the 'permitted material list' for your examination, please speak with the ANU College/School/Department/Centre administration offering the course. 
  • No electronic dictionaries are allowed. 
  • If the permitted material is listed as 'Dictionary - Any' then any dictionary (except electronic dictionaries) is permitted for that examination. 
  • If the permitted material is listed as 'Dictionary - for students with written School approval only' then students are required to deliver their dictionary to Student Central, with the appropriate approval letter, at least one session before the scheduled time of that examination, and no sooner than one day prior to the examination. 
  • Dictionaries must not be annotated in any way [the candidate's name in the front is permissible]. 
  • Valuable personal items should not be brought to examination venues. Personal items may be required to be left outside of examination venues at students' own risk. 

- During the examination 


  • A candidate may end their examination at their discretion and must follow all listed instructions within the examination environment to conclude the assessment item.  
  • Candidates must consider the consequences of ceasing their examination early [e.g. unable to re-enter the assessment item], or, too late [e.g. unable to submit]. 

In person 

  • The invigilator in charge of the examination room will advise candidates when they may commence writing. 
  • Candidates are not permitted to leave the examination room until 30 minutes have elapsed from the commencement of writing time. To avoid disturbances to other candidates, no candidate may leave the examination room during the last 30 minutes of the examination, unless circumstances permit the invigilator in charge of the examination to vary that time. 
  • Notes, papers, manuscripts, books, notebooks etc. are not allowed into the examination room unless their use during the examination has been specifically permitted by the examiner. All permitted materials are listed on the front of your examination paper. If, during the examination, any candidate is found in possession of any unauthorised material or electronic device, that candidate shall be reported and action may be taken under the Discipline Rule or Academic Integrity Rule. It is the student's responsibility to ensure prohibited items are not taken into the examination room. 
  • Candidates must consider the consequences of ceasing their examination. 

- Illness in examinations 


  • The candidate should seek medical attention, if appropriate.  
  • The candidate has the option to submit an Extenuating Circumstances Application where events occurred that were unpredictable, and/or unavoidable.
  • The candidate has the option to submit an application for Deferred Examination where they are unable to continue. Each application will be considered on its merits; inclusive of severity, and amount of work completed. 

In person 

  • The candidate is presented with the "Illness during examination" information sheet by invigilator, detailing their options.  
  • If the candidate leaves the examination early, a report may be written by an invigilator detailing circumstances and time, which is then provided to the Course Convener.  
  • The candidate should seek medical attention, if appropriate. The candidate has the option to submit an Extenuating Circumstances Application or an application for Deferred Examination

- Other issues in examinations 


  • If technical difficulties arise that are temporary in nature, candidates should continue with the examination.  
  • Proctorio Help: You can speak directly to a Proctorio agent by clicking on the Proctorio extension shield in your Google Chrome extension bar (top right of browser, or via https://proctorio.com/support).
  • Technical Examination Help: If you are having issues with Wattle or your device, a dedicated IT Service Desk hotline will be available during examination periods reflected on the University Calendar: +61 2 6125 2222. 
  • General Examination Help: For general examination advice, including illness, Extenuating Circumstances Applications and Deferred Examinations, please contact the Examinations Office on +61 2 6125 3236.
  • A candidate leaving their seat in response to an emergency [e.g. fire alarm] will be viewed as reasonable. 
  • Subsequent to the examination, candidates may consider submitting an Extenuating Circumstances Application where any issues encountered can be documented. If difficulties are insurmountable and significantly affect a candidate's ability to complete the assessment item, they may consider applying for a further examination via the Deferred Examination process, providing appropriate documentation.  

In person 

  • The candidate must raise their hand and alert an invigilator.  
  • The invigilator will then consider the issue and provide advice. The candidate may complete an Extenuating Circumstances Application if able to continue, and/or, a Deferred Examination application if forced to abandon the examination. 

- Misconduct in examinations 


Notes, papers, manuscripts, books, notebooks etc. are not allowed into the examination environment, or within access of the candidate [both physical and virtual], unless their use during the examination has been specifically permitted by the examiner. All permitted materials are listed in the information about your examination. If, during the examination, any candidate is found in possession of any unauthorised material or electronic device, that candidate shall be reported and action may be taken under the Discipline Rule or Academic Integrity Rule. It is the student's responsibility to ensure prohibited items are not taken into or accessible in the examination room. 

Misconduct includes any of the following: 

  • cheating (including copying, or permitting another student to copy, an answer in relation to an examination or inappropriately gaining prior knowledge of any part of an examination); 
  • plagiarism (including copying, paraphrasing or summarising, without appropriate acknowledgement, the words, ideas, scholarship or intellectual property of another person, whether or not it is with the knowledge or consent of that other person). Note: plagiarism may also take place when direct use of others' words is not indicated, for example by inverted commas or indentation, in addition to appropriate citation of the source;
  • except with the approval of the Delegated Authority, submitting for an examination any work previously submitted for examination; 
  • failing to comply with the University's instructions to students at, or in relation to, an examination; 
  • acting, or assisting another person to act, dishonestly or unfairly in or in connection with an examination; 
  • and/or taking a prohibited document, item or entity into an examination environment. 

In person 

Candidates are reminded that the University regards academic misconduct as a very serious matter. Candidates are encouraged to read the Discipline Rule and the Academic Integrity Rule. 

Misconduct includes any of the following: 

  • cheating (including copying, or permitting another student to copy, an answer in relation to an examination or inappropriately gaining prior knowledge of any part of an examination);
  • plagiarism (including copying, paraphrasing or summarising, without appropriate acknowledgement, the words, ideas, scholarship or intellectual property of another person, whether or not it is with the knowledge or consent of that other person). Note: plagiarism may also take place when direct use of others' words is not indicated, for example by inverted commas or indentation, in addition to appropriate citation of the source;
  • except with the approval of the Delegated Authority, submitting for an examination any work previously submitted for examination;
  • failing to comply with the University's instructions to students at, or in relation to, an examination;
  • acting, or assisting another person to act, dishonestly or unfairly in or in connection with an examination;
  • and/or taking a prohibited document, item or entity into an examination venue. 

- Further examination 

Students should note that the Chair of Examiners in a course may require a student to take a further examination, and any such examination may be oral, written or practical. 
  For staff enquiries contact EGAPP.


Principal dates


Semester 2 examination period begins


Semester 2 examination period ends


Results from Semester 2 published

Reference documents

Use contact details to request an alternative file format.
