Expected academic performance for coursework students

Students are encouraged to seek support whenever needed. 
Please visit the Health, Safety & Wellbeing webpage for available support services. 

All ANU students within an undergraduate or postgraduate academic career are required to maintain satisfactory academic progression. This means that they must meet the minimum academic performance requirements as established by the University within the Academic Progress Rule.

Academic Progress Rule

A calculation is performed on every active undergraduate and postgraduate academic record. Each time a course is failed [WN, N or NCN], the student's fail-count increases. To maintain satisfactory progress, coursework students must not fail more courses than the allowable thresholds within their academic career [see Fail-Count Threshold Table].

Fail-Count Threshold Table



Postgraduate Career

Research Career

Early Intervention
First fail within academic careerFirst fail within academic careerNot Applicable
Academic ProbationFourth fail within academic careerThird fail within academic careerNot Applicable
ExclusionEighth fail within academic careerFifth fail within academic careerNot Applicable

Further, students have not maintained satisfactory progress if:

  • they fail the same course for a second or subsequent time (repeated failure); and/or
  • fail to achieve results at the required level in specified programs.

Early intervention advice - fail-count

The University has many support services in-place to support students. You will be advised of the academic and professional assistance available at ANU if you reach the Early Intervention threshold [see Fail-Count Threshold Table].

Academic probation - fail-count

If you reach the academic probation threshold [see Fail-Count Threshold Table], your academic progress is deemed to be unsatisfactory. A formal warning letter will be sent via email to your University email address, and you will be placed on academic probation. You will be advised of the academic and professional assistance available at ANU. Some restrictions may be placed on your continued study.

Exclusion - fail-count

If you reach the exclusion fail threshold [see Fail-Count Threshold Table], you will be considered for exclusion from the University. If you wish to appeal this exclusion, you must 'Show Cause' as to why you should be permitted to continue your studies at the University. In this event you will be contacted by the Examinations and Graduations Office by email to your University email address.

When submitting a 'Show Cause' appeal, you are required to complete and submit the 'Response to Show Cause' cover sheet. Documentation must be in English.  Where the original documentation is not in English, an official translation must be provided.  Students must attach copies of the original documentation and the English translation of these documents.

Strict deadlines apply.  

Further to above, the Medicinae ac Chirurgiae Doctoranda (Doctor of Medicine and Surgery) (MChD) program has additional academic progress requirements which are set out in the Academic Progress Rule.

Restoration of good standing - fail-count

If you are on academic probation due to your fail-count, you have the opportunity to reset your fail-count to 'zero' by completing a sustained period of study without failing a course.

For undergraduate students, you can reset your academic standing:

  1. by passing 8 (or more) courses in consecutive teaching periods subsequent to your last fail; and
  2. by having no fail grades recorded in those consecutive teaching periods.

For postgraduate students, you can reset your academic standing:

  1. by passing 6 (or more) courses in consecutive teaching periods subsequent to your last fail; and
  2. by having no fail grades recorded in those consecutive teaching periods.

Repeated failure

In addition to fail-count as a measure of performance, students must not fail the same course multiple times.

When a course is failed for the second time, you will be placed on academic probation for that course. If you fail the same course for a third or subsequent time you will be considered for exclusion from the University. If you wish to appeal this exclusion, you must 'Show Cause' as to why you should be permitted to continue your studies at the University. In this event you will be contacted by the Examinations and Graduations Office by email to your University email address.

When submitting a 'Show Cause' appeal, you are required to complete and submit the 'Response to Show Cause' cover sheet.  Documentation must be in English.  Where the original documentation is not in English, an official translation must be provided.  Students must attach copies of the original documentation and the English translation of these documents.

Strict deadlines apply.  

Further to above, the Medicinae ac Chirurgiae Doctoranda (Doctor of Medicine and Surgery) (MChD) program has additional academic progress requirements which are set out in the Academic Progress Rule.

Please note, restoration of good standing is not available for this aspect of the Academic Progress Rule.

Failure to achieve results at required level

Some programs at the University require students to maintain results at established levels. For example, you may have to maintain an average mark across all study within each semester. If a student fails to maintain the published standards, they may be considered for transfer to alternate programs.

Please note, restoration of good standing is not available for this aspect of the Academic Progress Rule.


Academic Progress Rule 2019 came into effect 1 January 2020; all students - continuing and commencing - are considered under the new Rule.

If you are a continuing undergraduate or postgraduate student, your academic standing may differ from your previous standing under Academic Progress Rule 2015.

Seek advice

The University encourages students to recognise and address difficulties with study early. Students who are having difficulties with their studies should seek academic advice from your ANU Academic College as soon as possible.


Need help with academic progress? 

For general enquiries regarding the Academic Progress Rule or Show Cause appeals process, please contact Student Central (contact details in the right-hand column).

For enquiries regarding a Show Cause appeal, please contact the Academic Progress office:
E: academic.progress@anu.edu.au
P: +612 6125 3888

ANU staff can provide guidance on the application process, however we cannot comment on the likelihood of your application being successful. 

You may also consider contacting the ANU Students' Association (ANUSA) Student Assistance team and/or the Dean of Students for independent advice. 
  For staff enquiries contact EGAPP.