Student contributions

A tuition fee is set for each course. If you are a Commonwealth supported student, the Australian Government pays a portion of the tuition fee. The remaining balance is called the student contribution.

Paying or Deferring

Commonwealth supported students will be issued with an invoice via ISIS within a few days of enrolling in their courses. The balance owing shown on tuition fee invoices for students in Commonwealth supported places is the student contribution amount.

Australian citizens, holders of permanent humanitarian visas, and some New Zealand citizens are permitted to defer their student contribution to HECS-HELP so that no up-front payment for tuition is required.  New Zealand citizens can check this website to see whether they meet the eligibility requirements.

Eligible students who wish to pay some of their student contribution, and defer the rest may do so by first applying for HECS-HELP, and then paying the desired partial payment amount using one of the normal payment methods. Any outstanding balance at the relevant census date will then be deferred - as long as your TFN has been submitted on your Commonwealth Assistance Form.

Frequently asked questions 

2024 Band Allocations

HECS bands are allocated to a course based on the Field of Education (Discipline) of the course. The Government's Job Ready Package  was introduced for 2021 has led to significant changes to the HECS bands on some discipline areas which also outlines that, students who commenced prior to 2021 are to be charged at the Grandfathered fee rates. There are a few disciplines where the new rates are cheaper than previous fees and all students will be charged at the cheaper rates.

Many of our courses had HECS band changes to work with the new fee rates and for some courses we have had to setup up combined band codes to ensure that students are charged appropriately for the grandfathering of some disciplines.

Student Contribution Band Code (Displayed on P&C)2024 HECS Band (Commencing 2021 and 2022) Rates for 1 EFTSL (48 units ANU)Pre-2021 HECS Band (Students continuing in program) Rates for 1 EFTSL (48 units ANU)Discipline

Band 1


Band 1


All students same charge

Agriculture, Forestry, English, mathematics, education, clinical psychology, languages



Band 2


Was Band 1


Commencing from 2021 (Band 2)

Continuing students (Band 1 equiv.)

Visual and performing arts



Band 2


Band 2


All students

Computing and IT, other health, engineering, science, environmental studies



Band 3


Band 3


All Students




Band 4


Was Band 3


Commencing from 2021 (Band 4)

Continuing students (Band 3 equiv.)

Law, accounting, administration, economics, commerce



Band 4


Was Band 1


Commencing from 2021 (Band 4)

Continuing students (Band 1 equiv.)

Communications, society and culture, behavioural science

humanities, social studies



Band 4


Band 2*


Was Band 1


Commencing from 2021 (non-professional pathway) (Band 4)

Commencing 2021 (Band 2)

Psychology (Professional pathway)*

Continuing students (Band 1 equiv.) All Psychology

* Professional pathway psychology is available to commencing students in Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)(APSYC) and Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (BSPSY).
Students commencing in Bachelor of Science (Psychology)(Honours) (HSPSY) are eligible for grandfathered fees. All Honours students in related disciplines are classed as continuing students.

2025 Band Allocations

HECS bands are allocated to a course based on the Field of Education (Discipline) of the course. The Government's Job Ready Package  was introduced for 2021 has led to significant changes to the HECS bands on some discipline areas which also outlines that, students who commenced prior to 2021 are to be charged at the Grandfathered fee rates. There are a few disciplines where the new rates are cheaper than previous fees and all students will be charged at the cheaper rates.

Many of our courses had HECS band changes to work with the new fee rates and for some courses we have had to setup up combined band codes to ensure that students are charged appropriately for the grandfathering of some disciplines.

Student Contribution Band Code (Displayed on P&C)2025 HECS Band (Commencing 2021 and 2022) Rates for 1 EFTSL (48 units ANU)Pre-2021 HECS Band (Students continuing in program) Rates for 1 EFTSL (48 units ANU)Discipline

Band 1


Band 1


All students same charge

Agriculture, Forestry, English, mathematics, education, clinical psychology, languages



Band 2


Was Band 1


Commencing from 2021 (Band 2)

Continuing students (Band 1 equiv.)

Visual and performing arts



Band 2


Band 2


All students

Computing and IT, other health, engineering, science, environmental studies



Band 3


Band 3


All Students




Band 4


Was Band 3


Commencing from 2021 (Band 4)

Continuing students (Band 3 equiv.)

Law, accounting, administration, economics, commerce



Band 4


Was Band 1


Commencing from 2021 (Band 4)

Continuing students (Band 1 equiv.)

Communications, society and culture, behavioural science, humanities, social studies



Band 4


Band 2*


Was Band 1


Commencing from 2021 (non-professional pathway) (Band 4)

Commencing 2021 (Band 2)

Psychology (Professional pathway)*

Continuing students (Band 1 equiv.) All Psychology

* Professional pathway psychology is available to commencing students in Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)(APSYC) and Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (BSPSY).
Students commencing in Bachelor of Science (Psychology)(Honours) (HSPSY) are eligible for grandfathered fees. All Honours students in related disciplines are classed as continuing students.

Who is eligible for Grandfathered fees?

All students who commenced prior to 1st January 2021 and remain in the same program will be continuing students and charged grandfathered fees. Students who commence Honours in a related discipline are also class as continuing students.

As outlined by the Job Ready Package Legislation

Student GroupANU examples
Continuing Students - those students who commenced a course of study (the ongoing course) before 1 January 2021 at ANU and had not completed prior to that date.

Domestic undergraduate students who commenced study at ANU prior to 1 January 2021. This means they undertook a course (ANU) and continued past the census date for that course prior to 1 January 2021.

This includes students who are returning to studies in the same program after a break. They must have been successfully enrolled past a census date within the program.


Honours students - The honours course must relate to an earlier course of study and the student must have completed this course prior to 1 January 2021.Any honours student who completed their related course of study (bachelor degree) prior to 1 January 2021 will be eligible for grandfathered rates.
Student undertaking in 2020 an enabling course and on or after 1 January 2021 commences another course of study that leads to a higher education award.

Students who were enrolled in 2020 in ANU Diplomas and other foundational programs who commence in course of study (program) that leads to a higher education award.


A Student undertaking in 2020 a course of study that was an Undergraduate Certificate (UC) and after 1 January 2021 commences a course of study that relates to the UC course and that leads to a higher education award.

Students who were enrolled in the Undergraduate Certificate of Languages in 2020 and in 2021 or later commence in a related Bachelor's degree.   



Cross institutional students who were studying in the related higher education award prior to 1 January 2021Students who were studying a Higher Education award at another intuition in 2020 and are undertaking some courses towards that award in 2021.

Approved by ANU in addition to the legislative requirements outlined above;

Student GroupANU examples
A Student enrolled in Bachelor of Studies (BSTUD) in 2020 and then commence in another course of study that leads to a higher education awardThis could include students who are still in BSTUD in 2021 but commenced in 2020.


Who is NOT eligible for Grandfathered fees?

  • Students who commence their program (course of study) after 1 January 2021.
  • Students who transfer programs for study from 2021. This includes students who change FDD plans.
  • Students who accepted a place at ANU before 2021 but deferred their commencement until 2021 or later.
  • Students who commenced their studies before 2021 but withdrew prior to a census date and intend to recommence their studies in 2021 or later.
  • Students currently enrolled in an undergraduate program who continue on to a masters or graduate diploma program as a CSP students.

How does CSP/HEC/HELP work for domestic students unable to be in Australia?

These three categories of domestic students are eligible for a Commonwealth Supported Place but different requirements exist.

NZ Citizens and PR's should be in Australia to access a CSP place.

Australian Citizens are fine if they are overseas.

Psychology pathway HECS fees?

New HECS fees for psychology come into place from 2021.

Psychology is within the Humanities broader discipline and are now band 4 HECS for the majority of students who commence in 2021.

Only three programs have been approved at this point in time as pathway programs for psychology.

Year CommencingPathwayNon-Pathway

2021 onwards

(i.e. 2024 commencing)

Band 2

Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)(APSYC)

Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (BSPSY)


Band 4
Pre 2021

Grandfathered (Band 1 equiv)

Bachelor of Science (Psychology)(Hons)(HSPSY)

Grandfathered (Band 1 eqv.)


Other Job Ready Graduate Package initiatives?

Short Courses

There are a number of short courses (ANU programs) were made available in 2021.

Some have Commonwealth Supported Places. Commonwealth supported place continues until the student has completed.

The others are going to have scholarship offerings. Scholarship offerings are only in place until 30 June 2022. After this fees will revert to full Domestic Tuition Fees (DTF).