Daphne Olive Memorial Prize for Legal Theory
Each year the ANU College of Law may offer one award known as the Daphne Olive Memorial Prize for Legal Theory ('The Award').
Offered by ANU College of Law, Governance & Policy
The objective of the prize is to recognise the student(s) who has demonstrated a high level of academic excellence through being awarded the highest result in LAWS2249 / 6249 Legal Theory at the ANU College of Law.
Details of prizes including eligibility and Conditions of Award are subject to change without notice.
Year | Name |
Marlow Meares | |
Aislinn D'Arcy | |
William Conor Carey | |
Angie Qiu | |
Robyn Lewis | |
Penelope Sarah Hawdon Stock | |
Annika Reynolds | |
Jessica Elliott | |
Madeleine Castles | |
Freya Willis | |
Marcel Delany | |
Tristan Delroy | |
Robin Lee |