Economics Society Prize for Economics Honours Research Essay

Each year the ANU College of Business and Economics may offer a prize known as the Economic Society Prize for Economics Honours Research Essay.

Offered by ANU College of Business & Economics


The prize shall be awarded each year to the student who, in that year was enrolled in a program leading to the award of a degree of Bachelor in the ANU College of Business and Economics; and achieved the best result as shown by the award of the highest mark in the course Economics Honours Research Essay (ECON4488)

Details of prizes including eligibility and Conditions of Award are subject to change without notice.

Dakota Sutherland
Thomas Anton
Vivikth Narayanana
Shiqi Li
Flint O'Neil
Sihui Ong
Max Alston
Matthew Jacob
June Ma
Nawaaz Khalfan
William Gort

Field of study

