Field Naturalists Association of Canberra Prize

Each year the ANU College of Science may offer a prize known as the Field Naturalists Association of Canberra Prize.

Offered by ANU College of Science & Medicine


The objective/s of the prize are to award a student who in that year was enrolled in a program leading to the award of a degree of Bachelor; and has achieved the best result as shown by the award of the highest aggregate mark, in any four of the courses set out in eligibility. At least one course in the list must have been undertaken in the year of the award.

The value of the prize/s awarded is $500.

The prize will be on offer from 2024 to 2026.

Funding for this prize has been provided by Field Naturalists Association of Canberra.

Oscar Wilson
Kate Farkas
Zachary Hewertson
Monika Meret Iskander
Corben Hart
Kara Jane Tedman
Krish Sanghvi
Callum Bryan
Ellen Anna Caroline Miech
Xenia Weber
Tobias Hayashi

Field of study

