Transferring between Programs

Currently enrolled students wishing to change the program they are studying may apply for a program transfer. New students may not apply for a program transfer until they have completed a minimum of one course. Transferring to a new program is an act of admission and all applications will be assessed against admission requirements.

Application Information

  • You must seek academic advice about changing your program before applying and ensure that you can meet the new program requirements.
  • You may only submit one program transfer application per deadline and no more than two program transfer applications can be submitted per academic year.
  • Undergraduate students can submit a program transfer application in semesters 1 and 2 only, and cannot apply for transfer in any non-standard session (i.e. Summer, Autumn, Winter or Spring sessions).
  • Once you have accepted your program transfer in ISIS, the transfer will be processed. If you have transferred in error, you will need to submit a new application for the next available transfer session.

You do not need to apply for a program transfer if you have been advised that you are:

  • a student who is breaching academic progress rules and that you will be transferred to a different program. This transfer will be initiated by ANU.
  • a student who is not meeting the requirements of a higher degree and that you are going to be transferred to a lower degree. (i.e., a transfer from a Masters to a Graduate Diploma). This transfer will be initiated by your Academic College.

All other requests should be applied for online.

Undergraduate Principal Dates - Deadlines for Program Transfer

Application Period

Application Deadline

Offer Acceptance deadline
Semester 1 2025

20 January 2025

10 February 2025

Semester 2 2025

23 June 2025

14 July 2025


Postgraduate Principal Dates - Deadlines for Program Transfer

Please note: You can not submit more than two program transfer applications per academic year.

Application Period

Application Deadline

Offer Acceptance deadline
Spring Session 2024

31 July 2024

3 December 2024


Application Period

Application Deadline

Offer Acceptance deadline
Semester 1 2025

13 January 2025

10 February 2025

Semester 2 2025

16 June 2025

14 July 2025

Summer Session 2025

31 October 2024

17 March 2025

Autumn Session 2025

31 January 2025

16 June 2025

Winter Session 2025

31 May 2025

18 August 2025


Minimum entry requirements for internal undergraduate transfer within ANU

Please note:

  • Admission to ANU programs is on a competitive basis. Therefore, meeting all admission requirements does not automatically guarantee entry. 
  • At time of assessment, eligibility will be based on either GP or Selection Rank as per the Admissions: Procedure
  • Students who have completed a minimum 3 years of full-time tertiary enrolment (3.0 FTE) will be assessed on a different GPA scale.
  • There may be additional requirements for individual programs. Please check Programs and Courses for further details. 
Selection rankANU GPA requirement
BLaw(Hons) / FDD Law(Hons)5.6


Minimum entry requirements for internal postgraduate transfer within ANU

Students are assessed in accordance with the admission requirements as published at Programs and Courses.

Fee Information

  • Tuition fees and the duration of your study may increase as a result of your program transfer.

  • Check your scholarship Conditions of Award or sponsorship agreement before applying (see Step 1).
  • Domestic students will need to complete new Commonwealth Assistance Form(s) for their new program(s) by the first census date of their enrolled session.

If you transfer into a new program in 2021 (or later), you will not have your student contribution amounts grandfathered, and will be required to pay the new Commonwealth student contribution rates. This includes students who are transferring programs within a Flexible Double Degree. Before submitting your transfer application, please review the student contribution rate information available on the StudyAssist webpage.  

There are a small number of exceptions to this. The grandfathering arrangements will apply to any student who:

  • Is requested by the University to transfer from their current program due to their academic standing; or
  • Is requested by the University to transfer from their current program as a result of changes in the University or its curriculum. 

Applying for program transfer

Follow these steps to apply for program transfer

Step 1 - Seek Advice & Information

a) Seek advice on scholarships and sponsorships

If you have a scholarship or sponsorship, transferring to a new program may affect your eligibility.

You should check the Conditions of Award for your scholarship and confirm with the provider that your scholarship will not be jeopardised by changing programs.

If you are a sponsored student (i.e. those who have fees paid by a third party and which may include external scholarship holders), you should discuss your intention to transfer with your sponsors before applying.  A program transfer will require a new sponsorship agreement to be set up.  Students sponsored externally will need to complete a new Notification of External Sponsorship form

b) Seek advice on your intended program

There are several people in the College to which you wish to transfer who can provide you with advice to ensure your chosen program is the right program for you. They can also advise on how transferring will impact on the duration of your studies and the support services available to ensure your success.

c) Seek advice on your accommodation

Your on-campus accommodation may be impacted if the duration of your program changes, especially if the duration is less. Check the terms on your accommodation agreement to ensure you understand the impact.

Step 2 - Check your Eligibility

To be eligible to transfer your undergraduate degree you must meet the following criteria:

  • You are currently enrolled in a program and you have completed a minimum of 1 course.
  • You have sought academic advice from your college.
  • This is your first program transfer application for the application period.
  • The conditions of any sponsorship or scholarship you may hold will not prevent the program transfer.
  • You have no outstanding fees.
  • You are applying for transfer at the same level (i.e., from an undergraduate degree to another undergraduate degree).
  • You are not applying for a transfer to the ANU Medical School, ANU Extension, Bachelor of Studies, or Diploma of Studies programs (please contact your College for further information).

Step 3 - Complete application

To apply for a program transfer, click on the "Apply to Transfer" button at the top of this page or login to

The program transfer application form can be found on ISIS via the pathway:

  NavBar (compass icon) > Menu > ISIS > Degree Management > Apply for Degree Transfer

NOTE: This is a different section than the "Manage My Degree" link on your ISIS homepage. 

Step 4 - Assessment

Transferring to a new program is an act of admission and all applications will be assessed against admission requirements.  The general minimum entry requirements for internal transfer is outlined at the top of this page. To review the admission requirements for the specific program you wish to transfer to, please go toPrograms and Courses and review the program or program combination.

Resources to help

Use the contact details to request an alternative format.

Step 5 - Notification of decision

You will be advised of the outcome of your program transfer application by email to your ANU student email account.

Step 6 - Action your Offer (accept or decline)

If your transfer application is successful and you are sent an offer for transfer, you will need to log into ISIS to respond. You will be able to either accept or decline your offer for transfer via the pathway:

NavBar (compass icon) > Menu > ISIS > Degree Management > Degree Transfer Acceptance

Students who accept their offer will receive confirmation of their acceptance by email to their ANU email account within 24 hours of their acceptance.

Please note that if you do not action your offer by the acceptance deadlines outlined at the top of this page, your offer will lapse and you will be required to apply for transfer again in a future session if you still intend to change programs.

If you accept your offer, you may be required to:

  • Complete new electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form(s) (eCAFs) for HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP and SA-HELP. [Eligible domestic students only]

These forms will be available on ISIS via the below pathway and must be completed by the first census date of your enrolled session:

NavBar (compass icon) > Menu > ISIS > Account Details > Commonwealth Assistance Forms

  • Complete a new Notification of External Sponsorship form and seek written approval from their sponsor. See the External sponsorship webpage for the form and instructions. [Externally sponsored students only]

Step 7 - Enrol in courses

Until you are formally advised that you have successfully accepted your transfer offer, you must meet all the requirements of your current program including enrolling by the due dates and paying any fees.

If your transfer acceptance is successful, your enrolment in your old program will be removed along with any fee liability in the semester/session of your transfer. Any fees already paid in the relevant semester/session will be credited towards your new program fees.

You will then be required to enrol in courses under your new program by the relevant session's enrolment deadline. If the enrolment deadline has passed, you will need to ask your Academic College to enrol you.