2013 Queen's Birthday Honours recipients
Professor Graham Farquhar AO
PhD 1973
For distinguished service to science in the areas of plant physiology and climate change as a leading researcher, academic and author
Mr Stephen Gibbs AFSM
BA 1988
Mr Gibbs has been a member of the NSW Rural Fire Service since 1978 and still plays an active role as a volunteer in his community.
Colonel Duncan Hayward CSC
MSA 2007
For outstanding achievement as the Director International Engagement - Army.
Mr Anthony Hedley AM
LLB 1976
For significant service to business, particularly the property sector, and to the community of Canberra.
Ms Margaret Hunter OAM
LLB 1992
For service to the community, particularly through support for women in the legal profession.
Dr Duncan Ironmonger AM
MComm 1958
For significant service to economics as a researcher, author and academic.
Commander Raymond Johnson APM
MSA 2004
Australian Police Medal
Mr Timothy Kain AM
DipMus 1973
For significant service to music as a classical guitarist, educator and mentor
Dr Douglas Kean PSM
PhD 1969
For outstanding public service in contributing to the understanding of Australia's strategic interests and the international environment.
Mrs Renee Leon PSM
LLB 1993
For outstanding public service to public administration and law in leadership roles in the Australian Capital Territory and the Commonwealth.
Mrs Lynette O'Connell PSM
BSc 1983
For outstanding public service in the development of national transport reforms
Dr Michael Pearson AO
PhD 1981
For distinguished service to cultural heritage conservation and management, through contributions to professional organisations, and as an educator and researcher.
Ms Elizabeth Bryan AM
BA 1968
For significant service to the financial services and superannuation sectors, and to corporate governance.
Ms Kristal Buckley AM
BA 1981
For significant service to conservation and the environment, particularly in the area of cultural heritage, and to education.
Wing Commander Stewart Seeney OAM
Master of Military Studies 2012
For meritorious service as the Aviation Safety Officer at Number 81 Wing and Staff Officer Airworthiness and Capability Management at Headquarters Air Combat Group.
Mr Michael Callaghan AM PSM
LLB 1979
For significant service to public administration, particularly in international economic policy development and financial reform.
Mr William Thompson OAM
BA 1979
For service to the community of the Riverina
Mr John Dowling ESM
BA 2000
Mr Dowling has made an outstanding contribution and commitment to serving the community as a volunteer with the ACT State Emergency Service (ACTSES) since 1999.
Mr Richard Eckersley AM
BSc(Hons) 1970
For significant service to the community as a researcher, analyst and commentator on population health and well-being in Australia.
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