2022 Queen's Birthday Honours recipients

Lieutenant Colonel Raymond Mcerlean CSM
MMil&Def ‘21
For meritorious achievement in the performance of duty as a Flight Commander in HMAS Melbourne.
Emeritus Professor Warren Ewens AO
PhD ‘64
For distinguished service to biology and data science, to research, and to tertiary education.
Professor Imogen Mitchell AM
PhD ‘13
For significant service to intensive care medicine, and to tertiary education.
Lieutenant Colonel Fabian Harrison CSC
MMil&Def ‘19
For outstanding achievement as the Brigade Major of the 6th Brigade during 2020-2021.
Lieutenant Colonel Adam Reimers CSC
MMil&Def ‘17
For outstanding achievement in the application of skills and knowledge as the Staff Officer Grade One, Combat Arms Trades and Training.
Colonel Andrew Harrison-Wyatt CDS
MMil&Def ‘13
For distinguished performance of duties in warlike operations as the Operation RESOLUTE SUPPORT Director of Logistics for the Special Operations Component Command - Afghanistan on Operation HIGHROAD from August 22 to May 221.
Major Benjamin Angus CSM
MMil&Def ‘21
For meritorious achievement as the Officer Commanding Administration Company, 7th Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment.
Lieutenant Colonel Karl Reynolds CSC
MMil&Def ‘13
For outstanding achievement in support of the Australian Government contribution to the Pacific Step-Up Initiative.
Wing Commander Garth Herriot CSC
MMil&Def ‘16
For outstanding achievement as Commanding Officer Expeditionary Airbase Operations Unit Eight on Operation ACCORDION from October 2020 to April 2021.
Warrant Officer Class One Bradley Bargenquast OAM
MMil&Def ‘19
For meritorious service as the Regimental Sergeant Major of the 11th Combat Service Support Battalion, 1st Combat Signal Regiment and Royal Military College - Duntroon.
Mr Daniel Sloper PSM
BA(Asian Studies) ‘94
For outstanding public service in leading the Government's Crisis Response Team on the ground in Kabul, Afghanistan and the United Arab Emirates.
Mrs Maureen Hickman OAM
BA ‘90
For service to the community of the Australian Capital Territory.
Mr Michael Bath PSM
MPubPol ‘09
For outstanding public service to support Australia's finance and securitisation market, during the global financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic.
Lieutenant Colonel Paul Bellas CSM1
MMil&Def ‘18
For meritorious achievement in the reform of organisation management in the Australian Army.
Major General Christopher Smith AM
MMil&Def ‘19
For exceptional service as Chief of the Defence Force Liaison Officer to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff United States and as Director General Land Operations, Army Headquarters.
Lieutenant Colonel Gerard Kearns CSC
MMil&Def ‘16
For outstanding achievement as the Commanding Officer of the 3rd Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment
Dr Sally Box PSM
PhD ‘03
For outstanding public service for her exceptional leadership in guiding the Australian Government's environmental response to the Black Summer bushfires.
Captain Letitia Van Stralen AM
MMilLaw ‘09
For exceptional service in senior leadership positions by enhancing culture and people systems, and building a framework for positive engagement with all people in the Royal Australian Navy.
Ms Jennifer Kemarre Martiniello OAM
BA(Visual) ‘85, BA ‘94
For service to the creative and visual arts.
Lieutenant Colonel Mathew Brooks CSC
MMil&Def ‘18
For outstanding devotion to duty as Army's Principal Ammunition Technical Officer.
Ms Helen Vaughan PSM
BSc(Forestry) ‘88
For outstanding public service to policy and program delivery in Victoria, particularly in the area of natural resource management.
Dr Elisabeth Kerr PSM
BSc ‘93, PhD ‘98
For outstanding public service to the health and wellbeing of Australians, primarily for work as the scientific force behind the regulation of breast implants globally.
Lieutenant Colonel Clarke Brown CSC
MMil&Def ‘16
For outstanding achievement as the Commanding Officer/Chief Instructor of the Army School of Transport.
Ms Alison Larkins PSM
BA ‘89
For outstanding public service in policy innovation and leadership to enhance settlement outcomes for refugees and migrants.
Dr Jeremy Leech AM
MSc ‘74, PhD ‘79
For significant service to the forestry industry, to tertiary education, and to the community.
Ms Samantha Chard PSM
BA ‘95
For outstanding public service in establishing Australia's Radioactive Waste Agency and identifying a suitable site for a permanent radioactive waste management facility.
Mr Francis Lynch OAM
LLB ‘71
For service to the community, and to the law.
Mr Michelle Coffill OAM
BA ‘01, BSc ‘01
For service to public administration, and to animal welfare.
Captain Andrew Macalister CSC
MMil&Def ‘14
For outstanding achievement in cyber capability development for the Australian Defence Force.
Ms Jacqueline Curtis PSM
EMPA ‘08
For outstanding public service in driving change and building capability in the Australian Public Service as inaugural Head of the APS Human Resources Profession.
Mr Ross MacDiarmid AM
MMgt ‘13
For significant service to public administration, and to the community through a range of roles.
Professor Joy Damousi AM
PhD ‘88
For significant service to social sciences and the humanities, to history, and to tertiary education.
Lieutenant Colonel Helen Mammino CSC
MMil&Def ‘17
For outstanding achievement as the Commanding Officer of the 6th Aviation Regiment.
Ms Niamh Dobson PSM
BA(DevS) ‘11
For outstanding public service through her work in managing Australia's relationship with Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, particularly in supporting and establishing the global COVAX Facility.
The Honourable Stephen Martin AO
BA ‘69
For distinguished service to the people and Parliament of Australia, to charitable organisations, and to regional sport and education.
Wing Commander Dougal Dow CSC
MMil&Def ‘18
For outstanding achievement in the application of skills and judgement as the Air Force lead for the Loyal Wingman project
Ms Helen Mccormack PSM
BComm ‘06
For outstanding public service to Australia's agriculture sector, particularly in addressing critical workforce shortages following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Lieutenant Colonel Kelly Dunne CSC
MMil&Def ‘18
For outstanding achievement as the Staff Officer Grade One Health Workforce, Capability and Training in the Directorate of Army Health.
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