- Safety bus
- Salaries & benefits
- SAS - Student Administration System
- SC - School of Computing
- SCAPA - Strategic Communications and Public Affairs
- Scholarly Information Services (SIS)
- Scholarships
- School of Archaeology & Anthropology
- School of Art & Design (SoA)
- School of Art Gallery
- School of Asia Pacific Affairs, Coral Bell
- School of Computing (SC)
- School of Culture, History & Language (CHL)
- School of Demography
- School of Engineering
- School of Engineering (RSE)
- School of History (SoH)
- School of Music
- School of Music Concerts
- School of Philosophy (SoP)
- School of Politics & International Relations
- School of Regulation and Global Governance (RegNet)
- School of Sociology (SoS)
- Science Shop
- Science, Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of (CPAS)
- Science, Department of Quantum (DQS)
- Sciences, Integration & Implementation (I2S)
- Sciences, Research School of Earth (RSES)
- Sculpture walk
- SDSC - Strategic & Defence Studies Centre
- Secondary College, ANU
- Security College, National (NSC)
- Service Desk
- Service Improvement Group
- Services
- ShopANU
- Short courses
- Short stays
- Siding Spring Observatory (SSO)
- Single programs
- Sir Roland Wilson Foundation
- SIS - Scholarly Information Services
- SoA - School of Art & Design
- Social Change, Department of Political (PSC)
- Social channels
- Social Sciences, ANU College of Arts & (CASS)
- Social Sciences, Research School of (RSSS)
- Sociology, School of (SoS)
- SoH - School of History
- Solar Energy Research
- Solar Thermal Group, School of Engineering
- SoP - School of Philosophy
- SoS - School of Sociology
- South Asia Studies
- SPI - Social Policy Institute
- Sport & Recreation Association
- SRS - Summer Research Scholarships
- SSO - Siding Spring Observatory
- Staff amenities fund
- Staff Consultative Committee, University (USCC)
- Staff disability support
- Staff health insurance plan
- Staff name badges
- Staff uniforms
- Statutes, University
- Strategic & Defence Studies Centre (SDSC)
- Strategic alliances
- Strategic Communications and Public Affairs (SCAPA)
- Strategic Plan
- Strategic priorities
- Strategy & Defence, Graduate Studies in (GSSD)
- Stromlo Observatory, Mount (MSO)
- Structure chart, University
- Student Administration System (SAS)
- Student card
- Student card, replace
- Student exchange programs
- Student experience
- Student Experience portfolio
- Student Learning and Development
- Students orientation
- Study options
- Summer Research Scholarships (SRS)
- Summer School, Human Computer Interaction (HCISS)
- Superannuation
- Supercomputer facility (NCI)
- Support & scholarships
- Surveys & Evaluations
- Sustainability