Chennupati and Vidya Jagadish Fund

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Distinguished Professor Chennupati Jagadish and Dr Vidya Jagadish
Distinguished Professor Chennupati Jagadish and Dr Vidya Jagadish
The Chennupati and Vidya Jagadish endowment fund was established by Distinguished Professor Chennupati Jagadish and his family.

The fund supports the Chennupati and Vidya Jagadish Visiting Scholarship and Fellowship Awards, which gives students and researchers from developing countries the chance to travel to the ANU Research School of Physics and Engineering to pursue collaborative research for up to 12 weeks.

The Award provides researchers an important opportunity to form international links with colleagues while raising the profile of their home country in the field of physics.

The Visiting Scholarship and Fellowship awards are available to a research staff member or an undergraduate/ Master degree student who wishes to undertake a period of study or collaboration at RSPE and resides in a developing country.

Chennupati Jagadish is a Distinguished Professor working in the Department of Electronic Materials Engineering at the ANU Research School of Physics and Engineering. His list of accolades and awards is extensive.

He was born and educated in a developing country but has worked in the developed world for most of his career. Professor Jagadish has funded this endowment to ensure that researchers from developing countries have the opportunity to access world class facilities such as those at ANU.

I am grateful for the opportunities I had in my life and would like to provide opportunities for others

Media stories

ANU nanotechnology scientist Chennupati Jagadish endowment fund supporting internship

How physicist Chennupati Jagadish is straddling two cultures through science

New ANU endowment for developing-world scientists

Distinguished physics Professor Chennupati Jagadish and his wife Vidya have kickstarted a new endowment fund to bring science students and academics from the developing world…

I have started my life in a small village in India and benefited from the generosity of my teachers and many mentors. Having been born and educated in a developing country and then working in the developed world most of my is time for me to give something back to the developing world.
Distinguished Professor Chennupati Jagadish
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