Leading in our region

ANU offers world-class expertise on the Asia Pacific and is at the centre of preparing the next generation of regional specialists.

With your support, we can continue to pioneer new research and teaching methods that tackle challenges, from world order and regional security to climate change and gender equity.

Our donors support our students to receive the very best training, learn beyond the classroom and engage with new cultures, work with policymakers and get hands-on experience.

As the national centre for language teaching and research in the Australian tertiary sector, we offer close to 30 languages and are an international leader in modern language studies. Donors help our students experience transformative opportunities such as studying in a country where the language they are learning is spoken.

ANU has been an exceptional partner and instrumental to the successful launch of the Westpac Bicentennial Foundation’s scholarship program…I am very excited about the potential that an industry-university collaboration of this scale has to contribute to the future of our country.
Susan Bannigan, Chief Executive Officer, Westpac Bicentennial Foundation

Important projects

Greek Plates in the ANU Classics Museum

Friends of the ANU Classics Museum

Support the Friends of the ANU Classics Museum in encouraging interest in the ancient Mediterranean world in the wider community.

Bhavita Patel Undergraduate Scholarship Endowment

Help recognise and reward academic excellence, by enabling high potential students experiencing financial disadvantages to attend ANU.

Distinguished Professor Chennupati Jagadish and Dr Vidya Jagadish

Chennupati and Vidya Jagadish Fund

Support students and researchers from developing countries to travel to the ANU Research School of Physics and Engineering to pursue collaborative research.


Bhati Family Endowment

Foster regional interconnectedness and encourage talented students to build mutually beneficial relationships between Australia and India.

Burgmann Charles Price Fund

Support leadership activities and scholarships for first generation migrants, regional and indigenous students at Burgmann College.

Student Managed Fund

Support students to discover a passion for fund management and gain exposure to the industry.

Classics Endowment

Support prizes and scholarships at undergraduate, honours and postgraduate levels for students studying Classics at ANU.

Phillipa Weeks

Phillipa Weeks Scholarship Fund

The Phillipa Weeks Scholarship for Rural and Regional Students supports students from regional and remote areas to pursue a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) at ANU.

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The Professor Rae Frances AM Honours Thesis Prize (in Australian Womens' and Gender History)

The prize recognises the best honours thesis in the School of History on a subject related to Australian Womens' or Gender topics.

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