Late withdrawal due to special circumstances

The University is committed to supporting you through all stages of your learning journey, including where you experience difficult circumstances. If you are struggling with your studies, you should first seek support from available ANU services (please click here) and consider submitting applications for adjustments to help you meet your course requirements (such as coursework extensions within your Academic College, an Extenuating Circumstances Application or an Education Access Plan). These services and adjustments are designed to support you through your studies and should be exhausted (where appropriate) before applying for late withdrawal. 

If you encounter unavoidable and unexpected circumstances that make it impracticable to complete course requirements, and the circumstances occur or are exacerbated after the census date, you may be eligible to apply for Late withdrawal due to special circumstances. Each application will be assessed and determined on its merits.

What special circumstances are considered for late withdrawal?

You must satisfy all three components of the special circumstances criteria in accordance with the Higher Education Support Act (HESA) 2003, subsection 36-21. You will need to demonstrate with independent supporting documentation that the special circumstances:

1. Were beyond your control

A situation occurs which a reasonable person would consider is not due to the student's action or inaction (either direct or indirect), is unavoidable or unexpected, and for which the student is not responsible. This situation must be unusual, uncommon or abnormal.

2. Did not make their full impact on you until on or after the census date

Your circumstances occurred:

  • before the census date, but unexpectedly worsened on or after the census date;
  • before the census date, but the full effect or magnitude did not become apparent until on or after census date; 
  • on or after the census date.

It is important to detail specific dates and a chronological timeline of events (as appropriate) that occurred during the applicable teaching session(s) you are seeking late withdrawal from. 

3. Made it impracticable for you to complete the course requirements  

You could not reasonably:

  • undertake the necessary private study required, and/or attend sufficient lectures or tutorials and/or meet any compulsory participation requirements;
  • complete the required assessments (including but not limited to examinations, assignments, tests and essays);
  • apply for and engage with alternative study arrangements (such as a coursework extension via your Academic College that owns the applicable class(es), or arrangements under the Extenuating Circumstances Application, or registering for an Education Access Plan) that could have supported the successful completion of your course; and/or despite having such study arrangements in place, you could not achieve the course requirements;
  • complete any other compulsory course requirements.

If you pass other courses or apply to withdraw from only some courses within the same teaching session in which you are applying for late withdrawal, you must provide a reasonable explanation in your personal statement as to why you were unable to meet course requirements for the specific course(s) you are applying to withdraw from.  

Special circumstances and Independent evidence 

Typical special circumstances that may be considered for late withdrawal, and independent supporting documentation to evidence your special circumstances may include, but are not limited to: 

Medical reasons

Your medical condition (such as illness, injury or a mental health condition) existed prior to the census date, continued past census date and deteriorated to the extent that you are unable to continue your studies OR your medical condition only became known after the census date and you could not continue your studies.

  • Example 1: You contract an illness prior to the census date and are expected to make a quick recovery. Your illness continues past the census date and unexpectedly deteriorates to the extent that you are unable to continue with your studies.
  • Example 2: Your medical condition only becomes apparent after the census date and the effects are sufficiently serious that it is impracticable for you to complete the course requirements and continue with your studies.
  • Example 3: You experience an unforeseen exacerbation of a previously well-managed physical or mental health condition after the census date, and your condition deteriorates to the extent that you are unable to continue with your studies. 

Accepted documentation includes a certificate or report from a registered medical or health practitioner/professional (see Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) register of practitioners, or overseas equivalent where appropriate), such as a psychologist for mental health conditions, stating:  

  • the date your medical condition began and/or unexpectedly worsened;
  • the duration of the impact of the medical condition; 
  • how your condition affected your ability to successfully complete the course requirements; and
  • when it became apparent that you could not continue with your studies.

Family/personal reasons

Due to unforeseen personal/family reasons (such as bereavement, caring responsibilities, being the victim of a crime or political upheaval) that are beyond your control, you are unable to continue with your studies. The circumstances must have existed prior to the census date, continued past census date and deteriorated to the extent that you are unable to continue your studies OR the circumstances only became known after the census date and you could not continue your studies.

  • Example 1: A member of your family suffers from an ongoing, severe medical condition. After the census date their condition deteriorates to the extent that you are required to provide full-time care. As a result, you are unable to continue with your studies.
  • Example 2: A member of your family or close friend dies after the census date, and you are affected to the extent that you are unable to continue with your studies.

Depending on the circumstances, accepted documentation includes a certificate or report from a registered medical or health practitioner/professional (see Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) register of practitioners, or overseas equivalent where appropriate), and/or a statement from a qualified and registered counsellor or psychologist, and/or other independent documentation stating:

  • the date your personal circumstance began and/or unexpectedly worsened;
  • the duration of the impact of the circumstances;
  • how your circumstance affected your ability to successfully complete the course requirements; and
  • when it became apparent you could not continue your studies.

In the case of a family member or close friend passing away, supporting evidence should include a death certificate, or other official government or medical documentation. You must also provide evidence demonstrating your relationship to the person who passed away, for example through birth, marriage and/or death certificates. If obtaining this documentation is difficult or not culturally appropriate, please contact the Academic Standards and Quality Office. You may also consider obtaining a letter from a medical or mental health professional who can attest to the impact your circumstances had on your health or wellbeing.

In circumstances where you are experiencing trauma (such as gender-based violence, being the victim of a crime or a serious accident), supporting evidence may also include police reports. The report should confirm the occurrence and date(s) of the incident/trauma.

Employment related reasons

Your employment status or employment arrangements change unexpectedly due to circumstances beyond your control and you are unable to complete your studies. 

  • Example 1: You are a domestic student engaged in employment out of necessity and studying. Your employer unexpectedly increases your hours of employment and you are unable to object. As a result, you are unable to continue with your studies or complete your course requirements.
  • Example 2: You are a domestic student engaged in employment out of necessity and studying. After the census date, your employer directs that you be transferred to a different state, and ANU does not offer an online option for your course(s). As a result, you are unable to continue with your studies or complete your course requirements. 

Accepted documentation includes a statement or letter from your employer stating: 

  • your previous work hours and location;
  • your current work hours and location; 
  • when your work hours and/or location changed and when you were notified of this change; and
  • the reason for changed hours and/or location.

 Course related reasons

ANU changes the arrangements for your course(s) and as a result, you are disadvantaged to the extent that you are unable to complete the requirements of the course and continue with your studies.

  • Example: ANU cancels your course(s) after the census date and as a result, you are unable to complete the requirements of the course(s).

Accepted documentation includes a statement from your Academic College that owns the class(es) you are seeking late withdrawal from stating:

  • that you have been disadvantaged by changed arrangements to your course(s) of study and that it was impracticable for you to undertake an alternative course(s);
  • when the changes occurred; and 
  • that you could not change course or class without academic disadvantage.

Ineligible circumstances 

The following are examples of circumstances that are not considered grounds for late withdrawal due to special circumstances:

  • Difficulty with course content, academic workloads or poor grades, and general stress and nervousness associated with assessments and examinations;
  • Lack of awareness or knowledge of ANU administrative systems and processes (e.g. WATTLE, ISIS, fee/financial payments, credit applications, late withdrawal, deferred examinations, HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP), or policies, procedures and legislation;
  • You pass the class you are applying to withdraw from, and your unofficial transcript has a grade of HD, D, CR, P, PS or CRS for the course;
  • It was already not practicable for you to meet course requirements prior to the special circumstances emerging, e.g. you did not engage with course requirements or failed assessment items before the special circumstances occurred;
  • You are aware prior to census date of circumstances and barriers that may make it impracticable to complete course requirements;
  • You could have reasonably avoided circumstances (e.g. work commitment clashes with your student timetable); or your circumstances were not unexpected (e.g. missing your examination due to oversleeping or misreading your timetable); or your circumstances did not make it impracticable to complete course requirements (e.g. experiencing a minor or short-term illness where you are still capable of completing assessments);
  • You have already applied for late withdrawal from the class(es) for the particular teaching period. You can only submit one application for each class in which you are/were enrolled. Subsequent applications for the same class(es) will be denied on the basis that an application has already been made;
  • Your application is submitted outside of the 12-month application timeframe. Applications must be submitted within 12 months from the date of withdrawal from the class, or within 12 months from the last day of teaching in the teaching period in which the course(s) was or were to be undertaken. Applications submitted outside of the 12-month application timeframe will only be accepted in exceptional circumstances;
  • A finding of Academic misconduct in a course. 

Independent evidence requirements

You must provide independent evidence that meets the requirements outlined below to support your application. If your independent evidence does not meet these requirements, the University reserves the right to return the application to you without an assessment of eligibility of your circumstances or to decline your application. 

Independent evidence requirements 

Independent evidence must:

  • be issued by arelevant independent authority, with which you have no personal relationship (i.e. independent documentation cannot be provided by a family member, partner, friend etc.) and must demonstrate a professional opinion. See information in the section about typical circumstances for information about accepted independent authorities. You may want to inform the authority that the documentation will be provided to the University in the context of your late withdrawal application; and
  • include relevant contact information of the independent authority providing the documentation and registration/provider details (as appropriate) for verification purposes; and
  • be in English, and be issued in Australia (see information below for exemptions in rare situations); and
  • be clear, in focus, readable and in colour where possible; and
  • be provided in an appropriate format accepted by the application portal: pdf, jpeg, or png files; 
  • not be altered in any way; and
  • attest to all three components of the special circumstances criteria. Where your application is submitted outside of the 12-month application timeframe, additional documentation is required to demonstrate that your circumstances prevented you from submitting your application within the 12-month timeframe.

You are not required to provide certified copies of documents during the initial application process. However, the University reserves the right to request original documentation subsequently. All documentation submitted in your application is subject to verification from the issuing authority. The provision of any fraudulent documentation may result in disciplinary action under the Discipline Rule, with penalties ranging from a reprimand to exclusion from the University. 

Documentation that is not accepted as independent evidence

Documentation that is not accepted as independent evidence:

  • Photographs, audio files or videos containing content that is distressing or graphic. This includes photos of injuries and acts of terrorism or war. Photographs, audio files or videos are generally not considered appropriate evidence as their authenticity cannot be verified.
  • An Education Access Plan (EAP), including the application form and related Health Practitioner report, Mental Health Care Plan or Extenuating Circumstances Application (ECA) forms cannot be used as standalone evidence for Late Withdrawal applications. These documents are a request and agreement regarding academic adjustments to enable you to complete your studies, not evidence of your circumstances or condition impeding your ability to complete a course. 
  • Documentation detailing only self-reported effects of your circumstances that does not provide a professional opinion, for example a doctor’s certificate that only lists symptoms as reported by that patient and does not provide the medical professional’s opinion.  While a medical professional’s opinion must be provided, a medical diagnosis is not required.
  • A statutory declaration or affidavit outlining your circumstances. 
  • Statements, certificates or support letters from non-diagnostic support services, such as ANU Counselling, and appointment attendance letters. These can provide important context to your circumstances but are not accepted as standalone independent evidence.
  • Certificates provided from online consultations (such as Updoc), where no further evidence of face-to-face (in person) consultations or pre-existing doctor-patient relationships is provided (this does not apply to appropriate tele-health consultations). 

Independent documentation requirements if issued outside of Australia

Independent supporting documentation should be issued in your country of residence, that is usually in Australia, including if you are an international student.

Documentation issued outside of Australia is only accepted in rare cases (such as where you temporarily reside overseas as part of a student exchange or study abroad program, or as additional context to your circumstances where your main evidence is issued in Australia) and, in addition to the requirements outlined above:

  • may need to be accompanied by evidence of your travel, such as flight tickets, exchange agreements (as appropriate); and
  • may need to meet additional requirements for verification purposes, such as additional documentation issued in Australia confirming your circumstances; and
  • must be accompanied by an official translation as per the University’s requirements where the documentation is not issued in English. You must submit both copies of the original documentation and the official English translation.
  • should be discussed with the Academic Standards and Quality Office (ASQO) prior to submission of your application (see contact details in the ‘Contact Information’ section below). 
  • International students have OSHC (Overseas Student Health Cover) which may help cover costs of medical treatments in Australia.

Application and outcome process 

Step 1: Prepare your application

All eligible coursework domestic and international students can apply for late withdrawal. 
To prepare your application, ensure you:

  1. Familiarise yourself with the ANU Late withdrawal due to special circumstances policy and procedure, and the requirements on this webpage.
  2. Consider and seek information regarding the implications your application may have on your visaCoEScholarship and Centrelink payments
  3. Gather relevant independent supporting documentation to evidence the claims made in your application. Ensure the independent supporting documentation submitted in your application:
    • Meets documentation requirements as per the ‘Independent evidence requirements’ section of this webpage; and
    • Evidences your special circumstances, in accordance with the ‘Special circumstances and independent evidence’’  and ‘what special circumstances are considered for late withdrawal’ sections of this webpage. 
  4. Seek advice when needed from the Academic Standards and Quality Office,  Student Central, ANUSA and/or the Dean of Students who can support you and provide advice regarding your application.

Where you intend to submit an application before the last day to withdraw deadline of the teaching session, first you should either:

  • withdraw from the course(s) via ISIS if you are a domestic student; or
  • apply for a reduced study load application as an international student

The course(s) will then have a grade of WD or WN prior to the submission of your late withdrawal application.

If you no longer have access to your ISIS account, or require assistance with the application process, please contact the Academic Standards and Quality Office at

Step 2: Submitting your application 

Submission deadlines: 

You must submit your application within 12 months of the date of withdrawal from your courses, or if you have not withdrawn, within 12 months of the end of the session in which the course(s) was or were to be undertaken. Only in exceptional circumstances is it possible to submit a late withdrawal application more than 12 months after completing the relevant class(es). 

If you are an international student, withdrawal from courses may have consequences for your visa and Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) duration. Information for international student visa holders can be found here.

Applications submitted on or before the last day to withdraw deadline of the session:
Where you have not withdrawn from your course(s) in your application, you will be withdrawn upon submission of your application.   

Applications submitted after grades release:
You can submit an application for late withdrawal where the examination period for the course(s) you are applying to withdraw from has concludedandresults are published in accordance with the University Calendar.

What will appear on your academic record (transcript) depends on the outcome of the application for late withdrawal, and when the course was withdrawn. At the time of submission of your application, your academic record will state the results as per the tables below. The result may be adjusted if your application is successful. 

First and/or Second Semester sessions

When the course was withdrawn, as per the ANU census date webpage and University Calendar Result on Academic RecordImplications
After census, and on or before the WD (Withdrawn without failure) deadlineWD WD does not contribute to your GPA
After the WD deadline, and on or before the WN (withdrawn with failure) deadline WNWN does contribute to your GPA.
After the WN deadlineGrades UnchangedYour final grade will contribute to your GPA.

 Summer, Autumn, Winter and/or Spring Sessions

When the course was withdrawn, as per the class summary on ANU programs and courses.Result on Academic RecordImplications
On or before the last teaching day of the courseWD (Withdrawn without failure)WD does not contribute to your GPA.
After the last teaching day of the courseGrades unchanged Your final grade will contribute to your GPA.

How to submit your application:

Applications are submitted using the Manage My Degree eForm, via ISIS (Navbar (Compass Icon) > Menu > ISIS > Degree Management > Manage My Degree > Select "MMD - Coursework - Manage My Degree - Coursework"). 

The eForm will prompt you to provide the following:

  • a personal statement explaining how your circumstances meet the criteria for late withdrawal. In the eForm, you will need to provide information against the following:
    • Reason(s) why the circumstances were beyond your control, were not a result of your action/inaction and were unusual, uncommon or abnormal;
    • Reason(s) explaining whether the circumstances occurred on or after the census date OR before the census date, but worsened after that day OR before the census date, but the full effect or magnitude did not become apparent until on or after that day; and
    • Reason(s) why the circumstances made it impracticable to complete the attendance and/or assessment requirements of your course(s). This statement should also explain why deferred examinations and assignment extensions could not help the successful achievement of your course requirements; and if you passed other course(s) in the same teaching session, how your circumstances prevented you from achieving the requirements of the specific course(s) in your application. 
  • independent supporting documentation demonstrating the special circumstances criteria and attesting to the claims made in your personal statement.  

Step 3: Application assessment and notification of outcome

Applications for late withdrawal due to special circumstances are submitted to the Academic Standards and Quality Office (ASQO). An assessor considers the information provided in your application with reference to the policy and procedure. An assessor may also consider any other relevant information available from University records. 

In some cases, an initial assessment of your application may determine your application is incomplete, and ASQO may require further supporting documentation from you before making a decision on your application. A request for further information does not represent an application outcome. If your application is returned to you for further information, the notification of an outcome occurs within 30 working days from the date you resubmit the application. Where you do not provide additional supporting documentation within the stipulated timeframe, your application will be assessed as originally provided by you which may result in an unsuccessful application outcome.

You will be notified of the outcome of your application and reasons for the decision by email within 30 working days of the receipt of a complete application with all relevant supporting documentation. The following are possible outcomes of your late withdrawal due to special circumstances application:

  • approved (i.e. your application from all course(s) included in your application is successful); or
  • partially approved (i.e. your application has only been successful for some specific course(s) in your application where the independent evidence meets the late withdrawal criteria); or
  • declined (i.e. your application from all course(s) included in your application is unsuccessful).

Successful applications:

If your application is successful:

  • the approved course(s) will receive a grade of WD (withdrawn without failure). This grade will not contribute towards your GPA, however will appear on your academic record; and
  • you may be eligible for a repayment of the course fees. 

Fee Refunds

If you are a student that has paid your fees up-front to ANU and your application for late withdrawal has been successful, you will be eligible to apply for a fee refund. Refer to the Fee Refund page for details on how to apply for a refund and processing timeframes.

HELP Remissions

If you are a domestic student that has elected to defer your fees to your HELP loan and your application for late withdrawal has been successful, you cannot apply for a refund of these fees. The ANU will initiate having the debt removed from your HELP loan. Advice of revised debts are submitted by ANU to the Department of Education and Training at scheduled reporting times during the year. The removal of your debt is then managed between the Department of Education and Training and the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). There may be a delay before the ATO revises its record of your debt due to the abovementioned scheduled reporting times. 

You may contact the ATO's Higher Education Loans Account (HELA) Unit and advise them that your debt has been revised. The HELA Unit will then investigate the impact of any revisions still to be brought to account. If you wish to contact the ATO/HELA Unit for specific queries on your account, please phone 1300 650 225 or refer to the ATO website. Please note ANU is NOT able to initiate this process as it requires your direct approach to the HELA Unit. 

Student Amenities Fee (SA-Fee)

As per the Student Refunds Procedure (27), students who, after the census date of their course(s), voluntarily withdraw from their program, or withdraw from all their courses in a session of study, remain liable for the SA-Fee in that session of study. Students remain liable for the SA-Fee if they are approved for a late withdrawal and qualify for a refund or remission of some or all tuition fees.

Unsuccessful applications:

If your application is unsuccessful: 

  • the declined course(s) will retain the original grade assigned for the course(s) depending on when the course(s) were withdrawn as per the above table; and 
  • you will remain financially liable for the course fees.

Appealing a declined late withdrawal application:
If your application for late withdrawal is unsuccessful, you may appeal the outcome by lodging a written appeal within 20 working days of the date of the outcome (the Appeals period).

An appeal must be lodged with the University Registrar by email to, and:

  • be addressed to the University Registrar, Division of Student Administration and Academic Services (DSAAS); and
  • include a written statement outlining the grounds for the appeal and address the reason(s) for the decision not to approve the late withdrawal application; and
  • include relevant additional supporting documentation. Only documentation that was not available to the original decision-maker should be submitted. Requests to contact third parties for information will not be investigated. Additional supporting documentation submitted following the appeals outcome being provided to the student will not be considered.

The University Registrar (or delegate) will consider the appeal application and will advise you of the outcome in writing. In reaching their decision, the Registrar will consider all submitted independent supporting documentation (in totality). The decision of the Registrar represents the final decision of the University in relation to a late withdrawal due to special circumstances application. 

You may subsequently seek to lodge a review of the appeal outcome external to the University if your appeal application is unsuccessful. Information regarding external appeal avenues are provided in the appeal application outcome letter. 

Step 4: Ongoing supports during your studies 

There are many services at ANU that can help you with your wellbeing, mental health, and adjustment needs. To ensure you remain supported during your studies, and continue to maintain progress throughout your program, a range of ANU support services you may wish to consider engaging with can be found on the ‘Support – wellbeing, medical academic’ webpage.

There are also a range of external services across the ACT available to support your wellbeing:

Contact Information

For general enquiries regarding the late withdrawal application process, please contact Student Central (Contact details in the right-hand column). 

For enquiries regarding your submitted application, please contact the Academic Standards and Quality Office:

P: +612 6125 8072

ANU staff can provide guidance on the application process, however we cannot comment on the likelihood of your application being successful. 

You may also consider contacting the ANU Students’ Association (ANUSA) via the Student Assistance webpage or email (, and/or the Dean of Students for independent advice.