Academic documentation

This information is for students seeking academic documentation to support an extension, extenuating circumstances applications, late withdrawal, reduced study load, or show cause.

It is an agreed policy between the Academic Colleges and ANU Counselling that we provide documentation only where we have an established counselling relationship - that is, where you are already known to the ANU Counselling and have attended appointments previously.

The policy states that:

  • We can provide letters of support or make direct contact by telephone where it is appropriate for students who have an established contact with our service.
  • We do not generally provide letters to students who have no previous contact with ANU Counselling.

However, in exceptional circumstances it may be appropriate for us to agree to write a letter. This letter is usually just a re-statement of your claims and cannot be seen as independent or objective assessment of your circumstances

A letter of attendance alone is insufficient evidence to support extenuating circumstances applications, as well as applications for reduced study load or late withdrawal.

Without the time to get to understand your circumstances and their impact on you, we are unable to give an informed opinion.

You may need to consider whether you have access to any other form of evidence (e.g. GP or other medical letter or certificate) that supports your application and discuss the matter with your lecturer or tutor. If you still experience a problem, you could make an appointment to speak to the Head of your department, your Academic Sub-Dean, Associate Dean, or the Dean of Students.

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